1. 这个会议是在干什么的?
2. 那GVO是什么?
以下摘录自GVO Translation Project:
GVO全名为Global Voices Online,是一个非营利的全球公民媒体计划,由哈佛法学院的柏克曼网路与社会中心赞助成立。
GVO底下有多位区域部落客编辑,负责寻找、聚合,与追踪全球网路上的对话,而许多的桥梁部落客(bridge bloggers)则以英文写作,提出地方观点与重要事件。
3. 这次GVO年会的主题是什么?
- 如何把更多没被听到的、被忽略的、或是弱势的声音引进GVO对话中? (How do we bring more unheard,
ignored, or disadvantaged voices into the global online conversation?) - 如何帮助人们发声和让他们的声音被听到 – 即使有力人士想要阻止他们? (How do we help people speak and
be heard – even when powerful people try to stop them from doing so?)
4. 这次会议的议程是? (中文的部份是我取原文部份摘译而成)
台湾时间 12月16日(周六) 11:30-20:00
德里时间 9am-5:30pm IST, Saturday December 16th, 2006
台湾时间12:40(中午)-14:30 (德里时间10:10-12:00) – 以印度为例,如何让blogging和其他市民媒体从菁英的活动延伸到包括其他阶层的声音?
Outreach, starting with the case of India: how do we expand blogging and online/mobile citizens’ media from being an activity of the elites to include the voices of the less privileged and rural communities?
台湾时间 16:00-17:30 (德里时间 1:30-3:00)- 语言和翻译:如何让一种语言最佳地转换到另外一种语言,使得其他人可以听到? 这段议程会提供某些例子,包括已经实现,还没实现,和未来可能实现的点子。
Language and translation: This flows nicely from outreach: what are the best way to translate back and forth so that people writing/speaking in one language can be read and heard by speakers of other languages? This session would provide specific examples about what has worked so far, what hasn’t, and some ideas for what might be done in the future to promote more communication across
language groups.
台湾时间 17:30-19:00 (德里时间 3:00-4:30) – 什么科技和工具适合把更多不同的分众带入市民媒体? 同时,当人民必须发声,但政府阻止时,人民需要什么工具?
Technology tactics: What technologies and tools are most suited for bringing a more diverse range of people – ethnically, linguistically, economically, geographically – into the citizens’ media community? Also, what tools are needed for people who want to speak but whose governments try to prevent them from doing so?
5. 我要如何线上参加?
- 用Web IRC参与讨论
- 收听转播podcast
6. Portnoy 需要什么帮忙?
Portnoy 说他要参加15号的会前会:
- 你如何看待中非外交与贸易关系进展?
- 你认为台湾bloggers该更关心非洲吗?为什么?
- 你认为台湾bloggers该怎么透过部落格来进行实质外交?有哪些困难跟挑战?
我是 GVO 翻译计划的一份子,欢迎有兴趣的人加入我们的行列!