
3月20日,海地举办总统大选,第二轮选举的 两位候选人为玛尼加(Mirlande Manigat)与马德利(Michel Martelly),此次两人得票数应会超过去年11月争议性大选。Twitter用户在当天早上的讯息指出,投票所延迟开放;而国外许多人都在关切,生 于海地、支持马德利的饶舌歌手Wyclef Jean手部中弹。以下从Twitter收集有关海地选举日当天早上的部分照片。

@melindayiti: Small crowd at Cite Soleil voting bureau, already open

@melindayiti:“已开放的Cite Soleil投票所外有一小群人”,这个贫民窟是国内相当贫穷与危险的地区。

@vivehaiti: "Urne vid pa idantifye donk poko gen vot nan lise danyel la." [Unidentified empty ballot box at the Lycee Daniel].

@vivehaiti:“Lycee Daniel地区的空投票箱”

@samaxyalaat: "Just taping up the electoral lists, lycee petion downtown. Already an hour behind."


New York Times' bureau chief Randol Archibold (@rcaNYT): "Voting materials finally arrive at #Martelly polling place, 2 hrs late, calming crowd."

《纽约时报》驻海地主管Randol Archibold(@rcaNYT):“选举设备终于抵达马得利要投票的地区,晚了两小时,才让群众平静下来”

@Vladguerre: Members voting center at Lycee de Petion Ville counting the ballots before start the voting process.

@Vladguerre:“Lycee de Petion Ville投票所工作人员在开放之前,先数算选票数量”

@Vladguerre: "A voter outside the Lycee de Petion Ville asking for opening the voting center,people wants to vote."

@Vladguerre:“Lycee de Petion Ville地区一位选民要求开放投票所,民众想要投票”


New York Times bureau chief Randol Archibold: "Other voting sites in #Haiti were calm while opening late and ballots were being cast."

《纽约时报》驻海地主管Randol Archibold:“虽然投票工作延后开始,海地各地气氛平和,人民陆续前往投票”

@mhsaintluc: "Anbyans tansyon devan sant vot Ernts Desir" [Tense atmosphere in front of the Ernst Desir voting centre].

@mhsaintluc:“Ernst Desir投票所外气氛紧张”

@esfaceblack: "HNP (Haitian Nat'l Police) proudly voting."




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