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类别: 西欧, Spain 西班牙, Breaking News 重大消息, Governance 政府治理, Protest 抗争, 人权, 公民媒体, 政治

马德里人在过去一周间走上街头表达他们对总理马里亚诺.拉霍伊最新贪污传闻 [1]的愤怒。星期四全国性报纸国家报 [2]刊登了拉霍伊和其他人民党成员收受非法财物(#lospapelesdebarcenas [3])的照片。集中在人民党党部外的抗议活动持续了整个周末。




<strong>Presidente Delincuente</strong><br />Our President the Crook<br />Photo by Anna Williams

Presidente Delincuente
Anna Williams 摄影

<strong>Por un Jaguar, Yo "mato"</strong><br />For a Jaguar, I'd "kill" - a reference to Health Minister Ana Mato, who is alleged to be part of the scandal.<br />Photo by Anna Wiliams

Por un Jaguar, Yo “mato”
我会为一辆积架杀人 — 指的是据传亦陷入丑闻的卫生部长 Ana Mato。
Anna Wiliams 摄影

<strong>¡No falta dinero sobran ladrones!</strong><br />There's not a lack of money, there are too many thieves!<br />Photo by Anna Williams

¡No falta dinero sobran ladrones!
Anna Williams 摄影

<strong>¡Chorizo!</strong><br />Thief!<br />Photo by Anna Williams

Anna Williams 摄影

¡<strong>Manos arriba esto es un atraco!</strong><br />Hands up! This is a robbery!<br />Photo by Anna Williams.

¡Manos arriba esto es un atraco!
Anna Williams 摄影