瑞莎.威可马汀(Raisa Wickrematunge)在Groundviews发表的文章指出,仅在今年1月到8月之间,斯里兰卡的游客人数已经超过100万。观光产业能直接或间接的提供数千个工作职位。
全球风险指标(Global Risk Insights)最近的一份报告指出,斯里兰卡的军方使用强征入伍的军人作为军有度假中心和娱乐场所的员工,并只支付微不足道的薪水。受迫人民协会(Society for Threatened Peoples)发表了一份报告《乌云之下的阳光天堂(Dark Clouds Over The Sunshine Paradise)》,报告指出,通过雇佣军人,军方在旅游事业中赚取丰厚的额外收入,并在成本上打败私人经营对手。
Groundviews的伊夫.鲍伊(Yves Bowie )分享了几则当地社区的故事:
Kuchchaveli is a small fishing village in the north-east of Sri Lanka. The people are mostly engaged in fishing and agriculture. At the end of the war, a lot of land in Kuchchaveli was occupied by the Sri Lankan Navy. The villagers had to leave their own homes, their farms, and their fishing areas. After the end of the war they wanted to return to their land but the Navy did not leave.
The villagers in Passikudah area are mostly fishermen and their families. They have been fishing in this area for generations. After the hotels were built most of them had to leave their workplaces. The boat fishermen were sent to a very small place in the corner of the bay, which they also might have to leave soon. They are under a big risk of losing their livelihood.
同样在Groundviews,鲁奇.费尔南达(Ruki Fernanda)和赫尔曼.库马尔(Herman Kumar)写道:
Tourism must be centered on local populations and war affected peoples. Consultations with them is crucial if tourism is to act as catalyst for peace, reconciliation and development. Tourism projects should take into account their sufferings, aspirations and support their struggles for truth, justice and economic development in a sensitive way.
Tourism must not destroy or damage socio-economic-cultural practices of local communities and uproot them from their traditional lands and livelihoods. They should not be marginalized and denied economic opportunities presented. [..]
Government and military must not use tourism as means to promote their political agendas and propaganda. Memorials and other remembrance initiatives by local communities must be promoted and government must also initiate official monuments and remembrances focusing on civilians and all those affected.
旅游业的发展不应破坏当地社区的社会、经济、文化现状,也不应该剥夺当地居民代代相传的土地和生计。当地居民不应该在新的经济机会出现时被边缘化和剔除。 […]