
White Ribbon campaign image from the Facebook page of AWARE

白丝带运动(White Ribbon campaign) 图片来源:AWARE 的Facebook主页

在去年11月25日,新加坡妇女行动与研究协会(The Association of Women for Action and Research, AWARE)加入了白丝带运动,当日正是「国际消除针对妇女暴力日」(International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women)。

为了鼓励更多的公众参与这个运动,白丝带运动呼吁网民将带有白丝带的图片上传个人社交网站主页,以表示支持反对性别暴力。此活动的早起倡议者之一是新加坡首位奥运金牌得主–游泳选手Joseph Isaac Schooling。他在今年的里约奥运打败了美国传奇泳将Michael Phelps,顺利夺得金牌

Joseph Isaac Schooling在自己的Facebook主页上发文,提醒大众「力量不代表支配或攻击」

Now more than ever, men should proudly wear their commitment to end violence against women. Powerful men boasting about sexual assault should not be brushed off as ‘locker room talk’. We need a culture of equality, not disrespect. As an athlete, I want everyone to know that strength does not mean dominance and aggression.


注:根据Urban Dictionary的定义,「更衣室里的谈话」(Locker Room Talk)指男性之间粗鄙、失礼、通常涉及性的交谈,通常发生在高中更衣室里。其目的是男性之间的说笑,不应当真。

Olympic gold medalist Joseph Schooling supports the White Ribbon campaign. Source: Facebook

奥运金牌得主 Joseph Schooling 支持白丝带运动。图片来源:脸书

今年,新加坡白丝带运动中还发起一项「白丝带信箱(White Ribbon Letters)」活动,新加坡男性领导者们以及新加坡妇女行动与研究协会(AWARE)成员们写信给年轻的男孩们,「为男孩们提供指导,让他们了解男性应该为反对性别暴力发声。」

其中一封信件由医生Poh Kiang所写。他的信是写给两个侄子的,其内容强调了力量的真正定义和价值所在:

Like you, two of the most important persons in my life are women – my Ah Ma (paternal grandma) and my Mom. Much of who I am and the leader that I have become is due to their loving influence. I learn from a young age that strength and ability are not gender related. In fact, in these women I discovered that strength is not merely muscular, it is steely resolve when facing fear, quiet endurance when suffering pain and loss as well as dogged resourcefulness when facing deprivation.


另外一封信是由一家剧院的艺术总监Adrian Pang写给他的孩子们的:

A STRONG man is one who is not afraid to be vulnerable and to admit to being afraid, who always tries to exercise compassion and sensitivity, who is always respectful and active in creating a world that embraces equality for EVERYONE.




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