喀麦隆政府提出政策,欲打击不为其所控的社群媒体,依据该国政府所控制的日报《喀麦隆论坛报》(Cameroon Tribune)的报导,这些社群媒体「已以飞快的速度发展成对和平的威胁以及操纵人民的秘密手段」,将造成「人性的毁灭、舆论的波动及事实的扭曲」。
该日报以双语出刊,其特刊头条《社群网站造成的恶性循环已达警戒程度》(Dérives sur les réseaux sociaux : la cote d’alert)强调:
A careful analysis of the situation tells of a phenomenon that is proving to be dangerous for society if no measures are taken to scale it down. This is important especially as elections are approaching. People with political ambitions may dive into it and use it to fight their opponents.
政府的其他传播机关,特别是喀麦隆国家广播电台(Radio Télévision du Cameroun,CRTV),也于今(2016)年11月1日以法文与英文广播发布消息,支持政府谴责社群网站散播负面思想的作法,并强调社群网站应受到管制。
#cameroun #Eseka “Dans le train, tout le monde était assis”@ #camrail
J'adore l'humour des gens de #Bolloré * pic.twitter.com/halgHOC89D— Pahe (@pahedipoula) October 25, 2016
#Cameroon #Eseka. “Everyone was seated in the train” according to Camrail. I love the humor of the folks at #Bolloré”.
#喀麦隆 #埃塞卡 「火车里所有人都是坐着的」 #喀麦隆铁路公司
我觉得 #波洛莱 真是太幽默了
由于当地民众在和朋友、父母交谈,以及接受当地及国外媒体访问时,其叙述的内容与官方资料有出入,社群网站也因而针对官方伤亡人数提出质疑。法国广播电台(Radion France International, RFI)的互动节目Appels Actualité就推文表示,一位目击者指正实际死亡人数应是政府公告人数的三倍:
#LT Ruben “De visu il n'y a pas que 79 morts dans l'accident, il y en a au moins 200,250!” #Cameroun #camrail #appelsactu @RFI
— RFI Appels Actualité (@AppelsActu) October 25, 2016
#LT Ruben “From what I could see first-hand, there were not just 79 corpses, there were at least 200, 250!” #Cameroun #camrail #appelsactu @RFI
#LT Ruben「目测应该不只70人死于这场意外,应该至少200、250人!」 #喀麦隆 #喀麦隆铁路公司 #appelsactu @RFI
更重要的是,不少喀麦隆人开始在社群网站上a href=”http://qz.com/818654/cameroons-paul-biya-is-slammed-by-his-country-for-his-lukeware-reaction-to-the-eseka-train-crash/” target=”_blank”>批评喀麦隆总统保罗‧比亚(Paul Biya)对这起惨案冷淡的态度─不只是因为事故当时人在瑞士的总统仅实时透过社群媒体发布影片慰问受害者,更因为他并未在事故发生后立即返国。(法语电视台VoxAfrica TV的报导针对社群媒体在此意外中所扮演的角色有更详尽的分析。)
Drame tragique au cameroun*ou ést paul biya?Sans doute dans un Hotel de luxe à geneve en train de se payer la tete des camerounais.** pic.twitter.com/s1RkmJW7l0
— 237pleure* (@237pleure) October 23, 2016
Tragedy in Cameroon. Where is Paul Biya? No doubt in a luxury hotel in Geneva making fun of Cameroonians.
当比亚总统在瑞士宣布当日为喀麦隆全国哀悼日,推特用户Yannick T推文痛批:
@PR_Paul_Biya en dehors de cela tu sais faire quoi encore ? N'importe quoi. Tu es devenu le président de l'hôtel continental à Genève,fiasco
— Yannick T (@yannickt34) October 23, 2016
What else do you know how to do aside from this? You have become the President of the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva. What a fiasco.
Le sinistre d’Eséka s’est vite transformé pour certains en défouloir, un alibi commode, un exutoire rêvé pour asséner des coups, porter l’estocade, assouvir des appétits bassement politiciens… Des déclarations qui ne visaient manifestement qu’un seul objectif : accabler, embarrasser au maximum le chef de l’Etat et en tirer les dividendes politiques conséquents.
Some individuals quickly transformed the Eseka disaster into a convenient alibi, an ideal outlet to strike, to deal the death blow and satisfy their despicable political appetites… [Their] statements obviously had a single objective: overwhelm and embarrass the President of the Republic to the maximum, and benefit from the political fallout.
意外发生数日后的记者会中,该国通讯部发言人Issa Tchiroma反击道:
Les gens de l’internet sont en permanence fâchés… c’est leur nature… les réseaux sociaux ne nous inquiètent pas. C’est un espace qu’il faut rationnellement occuper.
Internet users are constantly angry… it is their character… we are not bothered by social media. In any case, it is a space that we have to logically occupy.
11月10日喀麦隆人民议会发言人Cavaye Djibril于议会发表谈话,抱怨社群媒体所造成的社会动荡,甚至将其比喻为「新型恐怖主义」,显示反社群媒体的政策格局已提高:
Social media… is now being used for misinformation, and even intoxication and manipulation of consciences thereby instilling fear in the general public. In fact, it has become as dangerous as a missile… In a nutshell, social media has become a real social pandemic in Cameroon… I urge the appropriate authorities to see the pressing need to track down and neutralize the culprits of cybercrimes… we should know that there is a limit to freedom, for freedom without limit stifles freedom.
此番谈话似乎确认了长久以来的推测 ,亦即政府准备以法令限缩社群媒体的言论自由。
2014年,该国国家资通讯科技局(l'Information et de la Communication,l'ANTIC)总干事即透漏,该单位长期监控社群网站以侦测对该国国家安全有威胁的内容及图像。
今年4月,总统对他的内阁成员们下令,对社群网站应采取更积极主动的传播策略。这项转变的导火线是今年3月的丑闻:一名怀孕女性Monique Koumateke由于无力支付医疗费用而遭地区医院拒收,后来因延误就医致死。事件爆发后,各社群网站用户纷纷对此表示愤慨。然而,成立于巴黎的周报《青年非洲》(Jeune Afrique)的报导指出,截至今年4月止,喀麦隆政府仅有6位部长级官员拥有个人官方脸书,其中也仅2人同时拥有推特账号。总统的命令只达到了有限的效果,主要是因为政府总是在响应舆论,而不是创造舆论。
虽然喀麦隆并没有专门规范社群媒体的法令,但是,该国于2010公布了一份与网络安全及网络犯罪相关的法案 ,其中即包涵了两个有关制裁在线活动的关键条文。
(1) Whoever uses electronic communication or an information system to act in contempt of race or religion shall be punished with imprisonment for from 02 (two) years to 05 (five) years or a fine of from 2 000 000 (two million) to 5 000 000 (five million) CFA francs or both of such fine and imprisonment.
(2) The penalties provided for in Subsection 1 above shall be doubled where the offence is committed with the aim of stirring up hatred and contempt between citizens.
(1) Whoever uses electronic communications or an information system to design, to publish or propagate a piece of information without being able to attest its veracity or prove that the said piece of information was true shall be punished with imprisonment for from 06 (six) months to 02 (two) years or a fine of from 5,000,000 (five million) to 10,000,000 (ten million) CFA francs or both of such fine and imprisonment.
(2) The penalties provided for in Subsection 1 above shall be doubled where the offence is committed with the aim of disturbing public peace.
依计算各国与全球网络流量的网站Internet World Stats(IWS)统计,至今年6月止,喀麦隆约有430万网民,网络普及率则约为17.7%(相较之下,2013年的普及率仅6.4%)。
社群媒体日渐成为那些欲推动国家革新的改革者们的汇聚点。毫无意外地,比亚政权(Biya regime)视其为一个足以颠覆国家的平台,绝不能疏于审查。
L’Etat du #Cameroun s’est résolument engagé dans une lutte contre les réseaux sociaux, afin de préserver l'image du pays pic.twitter.com/L9zZGKnMsg
— #AFRICA24 (@AFRICA24TV) November 14, 2016
The State of Cameroon is resolutely committed to the fight against social media so as to preserve the image of the country.