保加利亚家庭计划协会(Bulgarian Family Planning Association,简称BFPA)是一个关注健康与性教育的非政府组织,于YouTube发布了获奖纪录片「谁是那些母亲」,讲述5个未成年生育的女人的故事。
G. is 15 years old. She is pregnant in the fourth month… with her second child. She gave birth to her first son when she was only fourteen. She is one of the approximately 5,000 girls every year in Bulgaria who “marry” and bear children between age 13 and 18. Regardless of their reasoning, these are all “children-mothers”, who are raising their own children. Often, they are given no chance of making their life choice themselves and they are left in the closed loop of illiteracy, un-employment, and poverty. And their children and their children’s children will most probably re-enact the same model for they couldn’t know that life would offer other opportunities. Who are those mothers?
在2012年3月,这纪录片在第5届罗姆人生活-中欧纪录片节(Roma Life-Central European Documentary Festival)赢得奖项;联合国人口基金会(United Nations Population Fund,简称UNFPA)亦曾在活动上播映这短片。
导演Irena Daskalova继续拍摄其他几部短片,BFPA则继续举办具教育意义的活动,推广与性及生育相关的健康知识及权利。
校对:Conny Chang