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漫威释出新作「亚美莉嘉」 评价褒贬不一

类别: 北美洲, 美国, Ethnicity & Race, Gay Rights (LGBT), Women & Gender, 公民媒体, 文学, 艺术和文化

首本漫威「亚美莉嘉」漫画系列封面。图片来源:漫威数位商店(Marvel's Digital Comic Shop)。

今年年初,美国漫画公司漫威(Marvel)推出全新漫画「亚美莉嘉‧莎薇丝」(America Chavez)。主人公亚美莉嘉是第一位出现在漫威宇宙(Marvel Universe)的拉丁裔同性恋主角。



这系列不只以身份认同为主题,也包含自我探索的故事。根据漫威官网 [1],亚美莉嘉不单是打击犯罪而已,她坚信教育和自我探索的重要性:「拥有超人般力量的青少年会怎么样实现小小的满足感呢?当然是去大学上课啊!」

「亚美莉嘉‧莎薇丝」是漫威旗下唯一以女同志为主角的系列作,也是唯一以拉丁裔女同志为主角的漫画。 (1) pic.twitter.com/FUIjHG3JI8 [2]

— ?玛丽? (@宅女蕾丝边) June 10, 2017 [3]

这部由小说家盖比‧利瓦伊拉(Gabby Rivera)构思、由乔‧吉诺尼(Joe Quinones)作画的漫画,已在网络引发一连串关于同性恋和拉丁裔议题 [4]的讨论。据哈芬顿邮报 [5](The Huffington Post)的报导,作者群预想漫画的封面是以各文化交融的方式呈现,像是利用「披头四或希莉亚‧库兹(Celia Cruz)等[…],我们讨论的都是对美国文化有着极大影响,同时也拥有多重身份的人物。」:

America Chavez will not be the only character in the book with an intersecting identity,” Rivera said. “She will not be the sole representation of queer people and women and Latinas. There will be communities of folks all around her testing their super powers and finding strength within themselves. We’ve been very intentional with reflecting different body types and gender presentations. Our characters are black, Afro-Latinx, Asian, mixed and everything in between — like literally running the gamut of melanin, you know?




然而,不论故事或角色都免不了争议和批评。漫画首篇在网络上受到严厉的评论,遭批「性别第一,故事第二」。网友在许多影评 [6]评论文章 [7]底下留言,批评 [8]漫画的故事情节,认为亚美莉嘉如此高涨的性别和文化意识,将会使该系列所欲达成的目标适得其反:

The dialogue was terrible, the Spanglish was racist (at best), the plot jumped around between various irrelevant points with little connection, the political commentary was a subtle as a sledgehammer, and there wasn't a single character with any sort of development (other than “random girlfriend whom the reader never gave a reason to care about broke up with the protagonist, in what might be one of the least realistic exchanges of dialogue ever written”).

The author is apparently hoping that “MINORITY LESBIAN YASSSS!!” will be enough to cover up for her complete inability to write either characters or plot lines, but this comic is so completely terrible in every aspect that I doubt she'll get away with calling everyone who points out its plethora of flaws “racist/homophobic”.



许多YouTube使用者 [9]也开始讨论这部漫画想传达的复杂议题,认为将一个角色的特定元素无限扩大,尚不足以让读者认同这个角色:

As a Latina myself, I am disgusted and insulted by America Chavez. I'm supposed to love and identify with this character? On what grounds? […] Why should I care about her or her story? Because she's a Latina queer? So what? That doesn't make her interesting. There are Latina queers all over the place here. That's not unique at all. […] I DON'T CARE if the main character of a comic is the same race or gender as me! Tell me a GOOD STORY with GOOD CHARACTERS! If the story and characters are solid and well written, then it won't MATTER what race, gender, sexuality, or creed that character is! Labels don't make a character. CHARACTER makes a character! And America Chavez has ZERO CHARACTER.



It's pretty fun that a character with the potential to excite so much hate from right-wing conservatives is literally named America. That's like if I named a new contraceptive Freedom Pills, or if her sidekick was a gender-nonconforming bald eagle. America Chavez was the third choice for the superhero's name after Marvel passed on “Uracis Ifudonlykme” [You’re racist if you don’t like me] and “Sue-Kit White Concervadores” [Suck it, white conservatives].

这真的非常好笑。看到名为「亚美利坚」(America)的角色会有如此能耐激起各方保守派的仇视。就像我将避孕药命名为「自由小药丸」(Freedom Pills),或亚美莉嘉的伙伴是一只「性别表现不一致」(gender nonconforming)的老鹰。亚美莉嘉这个角色名其实是漫威名单中的第三顺位,他们还考虑过「Uracis Ifudonlykme」(音同「You’re racist if you don’t like me」:你种族歧视你不接受我)和「Sue-Kit White Concervadores」(音同「Suck it, white conservatives」:去死吧保守白人)。