摩洛哥 :不只是好莱坞的「沙漠门户」

位于瓦尔扎扎特的亚特力士影城(Altlas Studio,注:依其官方网站简介,为北非第一座影城)。照片来源:Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日,照片分享网站Flicker。

位于瓦尔扎扎特的Atlas摄影棚. 摄影:Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日。图片来源:Flickr.


在瓦尔扎扎特拍摄的电影包括由麦克‧纽威尔(Mike Newell)所执导的《波斯王子:时之刃》(Prince of Persia)、由彼得‧威尔(Peter Weir)所执导的《自由之路》(The Way Back)、由布莱恩‧狄帕玛(Brian De Palma)所执导的《不可能的任务》(Mission Impossible)、由阿兰‧夏巴(Alain Chabat)所执导的《美丽新世界2:女王任务》(Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra)、由阿利安卓·岗札雷·伊纳利图(Alejandro G. Iñárritu)所执导的《火线交错》(Babel)、以及由雷利‧史考特(Ridley Scott)所执导的《神鬼战士》(Gladiator)。这些作品使得瓦尔扎扎特被誉为「摩洛哥的好莱坞」(the Hollywood of Morocco)。

坐落于瓦尔扎扎特的阿特力士影城(Atlas Studio)最为著名。这座在大漠中占地20英尺的影城于1983年开放,是世界上最大的电影制片厂之一,其入口矗立着数座几公尺高的法老雕像、并配戴有曾在电影中亮相的黄金头饰。

旅游博主Hjalmar Gerbig在YouTube上上传了一段她近期在瓦尔扎扎特旅游的视频。


正如影城官方网站的简介所言 :

Considered as the “Moroccan Hollywood”, Ouarzazate offers to productions striking outdoor setting such as oases, Kasbahs, valleys, mountains and dunes.

Ouarzazate has an international airport, efficient health infrastructures, hotels of various categories, and movie studios with international standards with sets of various types : Roman, Egyptian, etc…

Due to the various shootings hosted in Ouarzazate, a skilled and cost effective work force of technicians was developed along with a multiethnic population as extras, local service provider companies, the various transport and catering suppliers, and technicians are constantly present in Ouarzazate.




这里甚至还有一座电影博物馆,更有许多电影拍摄的痕迹─例如电影《阿拉伯的罗伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)和《达赖的一生》(Kundun)的长镜头以及其他电影的经典片段。人们可以拜访在《达赖的一生》中出现的西藏房屋,欣赏其金色的内饰以及佛像,而《宾汉》中的奴隶船以及他的船绳、木头长凳和木头天花板也能在这里找到。

瓦尔扎扎特Atlas影城的埃及场景. 摄影:Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日. 图片来源: Flickr.

旅游部落客 Aizzing 在 拜访瓦尔扎扎特和影城之后记录道:

It was an incredible experience overall. It's not everyday you get the chance to relive moments from your favorite television series. To see in actual the place where Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklage filmed and being in one of your dream destinations all at the same time was actually surreal and mesmerizing. It's crazy and it's awesome! I don't recommend it to those with weak knees and joint problems, but if you are big fans of Gladiator and Game of Thrones who enjoy discovering historical sites, then Ait Benhaddou in Ouarzazate would be up your alley for sure.

整体而言,这是一次不可思议的旅行。不是每天都有机会可以重温你最喜爱的影片的场景。我们竟然可以亲眼看到艾蜜莉亚‧克拉克(Emilia Clarke)和彼得‧汀克莱杰(Peter Dinklage)当时拍片的地点,这简直是美梦成真了。这次行程非常超现实而且令人如痴如醉。这真是太疯狂而且太棒了!我不建议有膝盖和关节问题的人来这里,但如果你是《神鬼战士》和《权力游戏》的影迷,而且乐于探索历史遗迹,那么瓦尔扎扎特的艾本哈杜古城(Ait Benhaddou )必定合你的胃口。


Karim Aitouma最近拍摄了一部纪录瓦尔扎扎特临时演员们的纪录片,并表示临时演员们甚至必须要留着「工作用的胡子」来吸引西方观众。卫报引用了纪录片制作人Karim Aitouma的话,

When they know a Hollywood film is coming, they grow beards. It’s a very important criteria for the castings – for the historical films but also because they’ll play in terrorist films. They all have beards all the time, not because they want it but because they’re waiting for casting.


在一段美国公共广播电台全美联播(PRI)的专访中,一位摩洛哥的制片Othmane Nacir表示,他认为好莱坞制片人们对于他的国家了解甚少:

OK, Morocco, where is it? North Africa? Sand, desert? OK, that’s perfect. It’s cheaper for us to shoot there than the Arizona desert and it’s safer to shoot there than the real Iraq so that’s the best compromise.



The Moroccan people are cast as typical Arab profile: terrorist, bad guys, according to the American point of view. You know, we are not so far from the Western point of view of the 50s — with the good, the bad and the ugly!


记者Mohamed Koné将这些议题混整后做出了结论,他指出摩洛哥制片们正在努力采用不同的角度叙事,已经初见成效了。

Les cinéastes marocains tentent de défier le cliché terroriste en exportant leur propre image du pays, et de ses gens. […] Une première reconnaissance déjà, des films marocains ont récemment intégré le festival de Cannes.

Moroccan filmmakers are trying to challenge the terrorist cliché by exporting their own vision of their country and its people. [We can already see] a first acknowledgment: Moroccan movies recently made it to the Festival de Cannes.

通过输出他们对自己国家与人民的期望,摩洛哥的制片人们正在挑战那些恐怖分子的刻板印象。 […]随着数部摩洛哥电影跻身坎城影展,他们的努力已经获得了初步的认可。


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