
Promotional poster of the video animation 'I Wanna Go to School’. Image from the Facebook page of Nyan Kyal Say

动画影片《我想上学》宣传海报。图片来自Nyan Kyal Aay的Facebook粉丝专页。

缅甸艺术家Nyan Kyal Say制作了一些动画影片,内容强调缅甸境内儿童与妇女所面临的困难处境。







The role of artists is very important for every country, because aside from pointing out the realities, they can also make people feel those realities and make the public understand. For Myanmar, since the eyes of most Myanmar people were closed by the previous military-backed governments for many decades, they became lost and didn’t even know that they were lost. In such case, art is a strong way to make their eyes open. Also, because of that, during those years, many artworks dealing with politics, social issues, economy, and government matters were censored. Now, since Myanmar is in rapid transition and transformation with the new government, and as artists are now given the freedom to create, art becomes more important for the people to see and feel the reality, and motivate them to make changes in society.



For animation, we have to keep trying far to survive, since the animation market and animation knowledge in Myanmar is still not well-developed yet. However, I can see positive movements in Myanmar like the rising number of young animation artists. I believe we can do it for the development of animation culture in Myanmar.


Nyan Kyal Say。图片来源:Facebook。


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