



截至十一月初,已有五个远征队自中美洲出发;其中有些队伍是透过脸书(Facebook)集结。在最初几支队伍陆续开至〔墨西哥〕境内的时候,墨西哥网民在社交媒体上炸开了锅,诸如 #CaravanaMigrante(移民远征队)和 #CaravanaMigranteCDMX(墨西哥市移民远征队)一类的主题标签纷纷出笼。


Let them call us fascists or sons of Donald Trump. As Mexicans, we have the right to defend the sovereignty of our country and the security of our families. No to the #MigrantCaravan. They should go back to their country and work there where they're needed.

随便他们要叫我们法西斯主义者,还是要说我们和川普(Donald Trump)一个鼻孔出气。作为墨西哥人,我们有权捍卫国家主权和家人安危。向 #MigrantCaravan(移民远征队)说不。他们应该回去自己的国家,去需要他们的地方讨生活。

It's unlikely they'll enter the USA, I really doubt that they will go back to their country of origin. They will stay in Mexico, but hoping for what? For the government to provide for them?


网络媒体 Plumas Atómicas 汇集了许多诸如此类的看法,并把它们拿来和墨西哥自身的移民史相对照:

México tiene una larga y orgullosa tradición de puertas abiertas ante las poblaciones perseguidas, exiliadas y violentadas: desde los judíos españoles durante la Nueva España; los irlandeses que se unieron a la defensa de México durante la invasión estadounidense; los libaneses que huyeron de la hambruna en su país en la década de 1920, los republicanos exiliados durante la Guerra Civil española y tras la victoria de Franco; los brasileños, argentinos, paraguayos, colombianos, peruanos y uruguayos que salieron perseguidos por las dictaduras militares en sus países […] ¿por qué hay exiliados y refugiados de primera y de segunda?

Mexico has a long and proud tradition of open doors to those who have been persecuted, exiled, or victims of violence: since the Spanish Jews during the time of New Spain; the Irish who joined Mexico's defense during the American invasion; the Lebanese that fled hunger in their country in the 1920s, the republicans exiled during the Spanish Civil War and after Franco's victory. Brazilians, Argentinians, Paraguayans, Colombians, Peruvians and Uruguayans who were persecuted by the military dictatorships in their countries […] Why are there first and second class of exiles and refugees?

墨西哥长久以来都以一项传统为荣──它向那些被迫害、不得不流亡异乡或者蒙受暴力威胁的人张开双臂:新西班牙时期的西裔犹太人、美墨战争期间为墨西哥效力的爱尔兰人、1920 年代来自黎巴嫩的逃荒者、西班牙内战期间乃至佛朗哥派取得胜利后流亡海外的共和派人士,还有那些在自己的国家里遭到军事独裁政权迫害的巴西人、阿根廷人、巴拉圭人、哥伦比亚人、秘鲁人和乌拉圭人〔⋯⋯〕一样都是难民、一样离乡背井,难道彼此之间还有高低之分吗?


This meme about the migrant caravan places in front of us the racist mirror of Mexican mestizo nationalism, which has always been aspirational, longing to be white, and that for the first time in history feels threatened by migration coming from the south. I'm afraid we will have more of this in the future.



By denying a decent and humanitarian treatment to those coming with the migrant caravan we're brought down to the same level of the xenophobic and racist governments that we've been critisizing for years. We must not fall into the trap of the anti-migrant rhetoric that is coming from the government of the United States.



这波前所未见的移民潮主要是源于北三角地区(Northern Triangle)──涵盖了贝里斯(Belize)、瓜地马拉(Guatemala)、萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)与宏都拉斯(Honduras )几个国家。当地的贫穷与暴力问题,让人们苦不堪言,亟欲逃离。

在一篇十一月三日的社论中,萨尔瓦多传媒 El Faro 略述了这波移民潮的背景,并主张,美国和中美洲各国政府都得为这数千人,如今「在自己的国家里,找不到容身之地」负起责任:

¿De qué se alejan familias enteras expuestas al camino cruel, al poder de los territorios del narco, a la violencia sexual, al secuestro, y hoy incluso a las amenazas del presidente de Estados Unidos de enviar al ejército? […] Huyen de la represión de un tirano en Nicaragua y de los delirios de un corrupto incapaz en Guatemala. Huyen de la incapacidad de los gobiernos salvadoreños, tanto de ultraderecha como de ultraizquierda, para poner fin a los homicidios, a la desigualdad y a la corrupción. Huyen de la violencia ejercida por pandillas deportadas por Estados Unidos, que exige ahora lealtades a cambio de migajas, cuando es corresponsable de la situación en el istmo. Huyen de élites indolentes y de décadas de esperar un futuro que nunca llega.

What are those whole families running away from, exposing themselves to a cruel route, to the territory of druglords, to sexual violence, to kidnapping, and even to threats by the president of the United States, who says he will be sending the army [to the border?] They're running away from a tyrant's repression in Nicaragua, from the delirium of a corrupted fool in Guatemala. They're fleeing from the inability of El Salvador's government, from both the ultra-rightwing and ultra-leftwing, to put an end to the homicides, the inequality and the corruption They're fleeing from the violence of gangs who have been deported by the United States, who now demand loyalty in exchange for crumbs, even when they're also responsible for the situation in the region. They're running away from oblivious elites and from decades of waiting for a future that never comes.



En esas caravanas están las claves de todos los problemas de la región, incluyendo a México y Estados Unidos. [Su criminalización significa] culpar a los migrantes por las respuestas que los gobernantes de la región, de Managua a Washington, no saben encontrar.

Those caravans hold the keys to all the problems in the region, including Mexico and the United States.[Criminalizing them] means blaming the migrants for the answers that the governments of the regions, from Managua to Washington, haven't been able to find.

那些远征队的人们,是这片土地上所有问题的缩影──墨西哥、美国,全都有份。 〔把这些移民当成罪犯〕,无异于是要他们来做替罪羔羊,为这些政府──从马纳瓜(Managua,尼加拉瓜首都)到华盛顿──也没有答案的事来负责。

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