· 十一月, 2011

Below are posts about citizen media in Italian. Don't miss Global Voices in Italiano, where Global Voices posts are translated into Italian! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

報導 關於 Italian 來自 十一月, 2011

莫桑比克: Sant'Egidio 社區对抗爱滋病

一直以来,非洲大陆缺乏对爱滋病患者的医疗照顾管道。非洲当地已经有许多措施,试图证明集体努力可以改善现状,而药物资源增加以对抗爱滋病和营养不良的计划(Drug Resource Enhancement against AIDS and Malnutrition, DREAM)为其中之一 。

