一月十二日星期四,在(美国)华府椭圆办公室里一场有关移民问题的跨党派会议中,美国总统川普(Donald Trump)将海地(Haiti)、萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)以及一些非洲国家称之为「烂国家」。据与会议员们表示,川普说了:
Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?
美国总统这番有失体统的言论,立刻在国际间引来一片谴责之声,其中还包括了非洲网民出乎意料的幽默反应。许多非洲网民以川普的「烂」评为契机, 表达了对己国政府治理无方的不满。
联合国人权事务高级专员(办事处)发言人 Rupert Colville 将此一言论形容为「种族歧视」:
These are shocking and shameful comments from the President of the United States. There is no other word one can use but ‘racist’… You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as ‘shitholes’, whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome…It’s about opening the door to humanity’s worst side, about validating and encouraging racism and xenophobia that will potentially disrupt and destroy lives of many people.
PRESS RELEASE |Botswana condemns remarks made by President Trump @VensonMoitoi @MIACBW @OfficialMasisi pic.twitter.com/16i7CUMR4x
— Botswana Government (@BWGovernment) January 12, 2018
新闻稿|波札那谴责川普总统的言论 @VensonMoitoi[译注:波札那外交部长] @MIACBW(波札那外交部) @OfficialMasisi[译注:波札那副总统] pic.twitter.com/16i7CUMR4x
— Botswana Government (@BWGovernment) January 12, 2018
Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said “take them out.” Made up by Dems. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. Probably should record future meetings – unfortunately, no trust!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 12, 2018
James Propa(全球之声一位乌干达(Ugandan)贡献者)说道:
Why y'all bothered by @realDonaldTrump calling our countries #Shithole?
First of all we have failed to become fully autonomous. We rely on them for funds, so they disrespect us. We need to start thinking independently. Lets suffer with the little we have and build to be big.— James Propa (@jamespropa) January 12, 2018
为什么你们大家都对 @realDonaldTrump(正牌川普)称我们的国家为 #Shithole(烂国)如此感冒?
— James Propa (@jamespropa) January 12, 2018
奈及利亚人 Ugo Agbaji 也有同感:
Nigeria is a SHITHOLE country because of its leaders. I’ll have to agree with Trump who I mostly dislike. Dear Trump please remind Nigeria that they are a shit hole country whose leaders need to get their shit together.
— ugo agbaji (@ug4u2) January 12, 2018
— ugo agbaji (@ug4u2) January 12, 2018
肯亚网民 Daniel Makaya 则把非洲的腐败风气及无能领袖给奚落了一番:
Africa, especially the Sub-Saharan region led by hypocrites such as South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya is a big shit-hole. Governments screw their own people and 75% of govt revenue goes to the pockets of connected politicians. Africa with its present leadership cannot compete
— #KisiiNational (@DanielMayaka) January 12, 2018
非洲,尤其是像南非、奈及利亚和肯亚(Kenya)这些位于撒哈拉沙漠以南、由伪君子所领导的国家,整个是烂透了。各国政府欺压百姓,75% 的税收都进了那些互相勾结的政界人士口袋里。有现在这样的领导人,非洲一点竞争力也没有。
— #KisiiNational (@DanielMayaka) January 12, 2018
奈及利亚人 Kelvin Odanz 说得很白:
Nigerians who live in Nigeria know that Nigeria is a shot hole. They queue up at embassies every week begging to escape.
Nigerians who managed to escape and their Pan Africanist cohorts (living away from the shit hole) are the ones angry Donald Trump called Nigeria a shit hole.— Kelvin Odanz (@KelvinOdanz) January 12, 2018
— Kelvin Odanz (@KelvinOdanz) January 12, 2018
同为奈及利亚人的 Onye Nkuzi,则推文提及元旦当天奈及利亚贝努埃州(Benue State)的牧民杀人事件,认为正义未得伸张:
Sorry we just buried 73 innocent young men, women and children in Benue State, Nigeria.
So we have more important issues to deal with than Trump's snide remarks.
And yes, Nigeria is a shit hole. As for the rest of Africa, I do not know – I don't know enough to comment. https://t.co/ikamc2D8X8
— Onye Nkuzi (@cchukudebelu) January 12, 2018
而且,没错,奈及利亚就是个烂国家。至于非洲其他地方,我就不知道了──所知不足,无以置评。 twitter.com/IshaSesayCNN/s…
— Onye Nkuzi (@cchukudebelu) January 12, 2018
Steve Biko 怪罪非洲的部落政治:
According to Trump, Africa is a shit-hole with poor amenities, hunger and poor leadership.
That's what we get when we Africans elect leaders based on our tribal lines. We end up with clowns who have no policies on how Africa can be independent on its own.— Steve Biko (@Steve_Raheem) January 12, 2018
我们非洲人依部族派系来选举领袖,得到的结果就是这样── 一堆对如何才能让非洲自立自强束手无策的跳梁小丑。
— Steve Biko (@Steve_Raheem) January 12, 2018
迦纳人(Ghanaian)Seraphic Herbsman 劝非洲人省省他们的怒气,致力于「扭转情势」:
Africa is a shit hole. Don't be outraged. Channel that energy into being patriotic and turning our situation around.
— seraphic herbsman X (@ProdigyDakem) January 12, 2018
— seraphic herbsman X (@ProdigyDakem) January 12, 2018
然而,还是有些非洲人对川普的言论感到气愤。 Nawande 女士就直言,「川普是个烂总统」:
YES Africa & Its nations have it's problems..we don't dispute.. but name calling & outright disrespect by the very nation that has stripped off its resources for years is totally crossing it. TRUMP IS A ‘SHIT HOLE’ PRESIDENT. PERIOD.
— Ms. Nawande (@MsNawande) January 12, 2018
— Ms. Nawande (@MsNawande) January 12, 2018
Nyaguthii wa Muriuki 则批评了美国人对于非洲的无知:
The US president is a typical rep of an American mind. Its 2018 and they still use a starving child's photo taken years ago a 0.00000000000000000000001% of the African population and teach America how Africa looks like * shit hole I guess ?
— nyaguthii wa muriuki (@nyagu_kanegene) January 12, 2018
美国总统就是美国(人)心态的典型代表。都 2018 年了,我猜他们还是在用一张几百年前照的、不过占了 0.00000000000000000000001% 非洲人口的饥童照片来教导美国人,非洲是怎样一个*烂地方。?
— nyaguthii wa muriuki (@nyagu_kanegene) January 12, 2018
而 Didi Angela 再次提醒全世界,非洲是一片大陆,不是一个国家:
This president called Africa a shit hole country? Someone tell him Africa is a continent, also African immigrants are one of the most educated groups in this country, this president is racist and ignorant AF
— DispersalOfKnowledge (@DidiAngela) January 12, 2018
— DispersalOfKnowledge (@DidiAngela) January 12, 2018
人在英国的奈及利亚人 Gege,则教育美国总统要保持该职位应有的格调:
Decency, humility & compassion. That's what great leadership is about.
It's true that Nigeria is hell for many. It is also incredibly rude for Trump to denigrate the living conditions of the poor in Africa.
The man is desecrating the US Presidency with his uncouth behaviour…
— Gege (@nigeriasbest) January 12, 2018
— Gege (@nigeriasbest) January 12, 2018